Sunday 30 March 2014

3 main rules of how to bе assertive

There are a lot of articles in the Internet about how to become assertive, so i decided to sum up all information and make a post in which is going to be explained this topic in 3 easy steps.

The main idea of being assertive is that you'll be able to express your desires while respecting the needs of others, and will have the best chance of getting what you want and deserve. Therefor people who are assertive in daily life, are usually the most "progressive" in conversations with other people. So there are 3 easy rules which will help you to be assertive and take the most advantage in any situation.

  1. First rule is to try to project confidence to others while you speak. Having confident body language can be very useful in any kind of talks. In order to make better understanding to another people you have to speak slowly and clearly. Rehearsing before an important speech will be also one of the important aspects to make a good and assertive conversation.
     2.  Be honest with yourself. You have to know what do you want to get from this particular conversation. Try to be fare and not to be very hush with the needs of another people. Take responsibility for your own problems and don't put them onto other "shoulders". Stop trying to please everybody, this maybe one of the reasons why you're so afraid to assert yourself. However you have to keep golden middle, therefore you have to stop feeling guilty about not giving people what they want.

    3.  Try to stick to your game plan. Remember your goals and stick to them. Do not veer off course just because the person is not listening to you, belittling you, or trying to torpedo the conversation by acting visibly upset and tricking you into comforting him or her. Say what's on your mind, but with all respect to your listener(s). The main thing in this part is to be assertive without being aggressive.

How i said before that it's very important to hold the "golden middle", this can be possible if you are going to follow these steps(rules) above, however you have to always understand the situation, the person who you are talking to, goal of your listener and your own target,  all of that has to be mixed together and used in all situations where you have to be assertive.

Material used in this post were taken from following resources:

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