Monday, 31 March 2014

Maximize motivation of people around you

Motivated person is working 10 times better than unmotivated one. Therefore in this post i'm going to tell you about how to motivate people around you.

There are three keys to getting the best out of others and the first of these is appreciation. Every time you think about another person, you cause that person to like themselves more. You raise their self-esteem and you improve their self-image. You make them feel, that what they did was valuable and worthwhile. You actually empower people by expressing appreciation. And the wonderful thing about thanking other people, is that every time you say the words thank you, you like yourself better as well. You feel better inside, you feel happier and more confident with yourself in life. You feel more fully integrated and positive about what you are doing. When you develop an attitude of gratitude that flows forth from you, and all of your interactions with others, you'll be amazed at how popular you will become and how either others will be to help you in whatever you were doing. The second way to make people feel important to raise their self-esteem in give them a sense of power, energy, is by the generous use appraise and approval.

Psychological tests show that when children are praised by the people that they look up to, their energy levels rise their heart rates, in respiratory rates increase and they feel happier about themselves overall. The psychological law of reciprocity that says: «If you make me feel good about myself , I'll find a way to make you feel good about yourself». In other words people were always look for ways to reciprocate your kindness in to order. When you look for every opportunity, you do and say, that make other people feel good about themselves, you'll be astonished that not only how good you feel, but the wonderful things begin to happen all around you. The third way to empower others to build their self-esteem and make them feel important, is simply to pay close attention to them when they talk. The great majority of people are so busy trying to be heard, that they become impatient when others are talking. Remember the most important single activity takes place overtime, is listening intently to the other person when he or she is talking and expressing himself or herself. Again the three general rules for empowering the people around you, which apply everyone you meet, our appreciation approval and attention. Voice your thanks and gratitude to others on every occasion. Praise them for every accomplishment and pay close attention to them when they want to talk, and they'll want to interact with you. These three behaviors alone will make you a master human interaction and will greatly in power the people around you.

Materials which are used in this post are following:

How to limit your stress and define a problem in 4 steps

Stress is one of the most important issue nowadays, almost 90 percent of people fail in different situations because of this problem. Therefor i would like to give some advice in order to avoid it.

Your job is to organize your life and works so as to minimize surprises and problems. However this is not always possible, in spite of your best efforts. If you already facing the fear or worry inducing situation, here are the four steps how to solve this kind of problem. 

  • Step number one define the worry situation clearly in writing. Fully half of all problems can be solved just like communities defining them, remember accurate diagnosis is half the cure. 

  • Step number two each of the worst possible outcome out the situation. What is the absolute worst that can happen in this problem situation you're facing?! 

  • Step number three is resolve to accept the worst should occur. The first step in dealing with any negative situation is to be willing to have itself. Once you resolve to accept the worst should occur your mind will become calm and clear and you'll be ready to take some constructive action. 

  • Step number four the final step is to immediately begin doing everything you possibly can to improve upon the worst, to make sure that the worst does not happen. Remember worry is nearly a sustained form of fear cause by indecision. The only real antidote to worry is purposeful action. Gets so busy doing something about your situation, that you don't have time to worry. As you take action your confidence in your courage in sense of control will return and take away your fears.

In order to better understand how to become less stressful, i recommend you to watch this useful YouTube video (click here).

Materials used in this post are following:

Sunday, 30 March 2014

3 main rules of how to bе assertive

There are a lot of articles in the Internet about how to become assertive, so i decided to sum up all information and make a post in which is going to be explained this topic in 3 easy steps.

The main idea of being assertive is that you'll be able to express your desires while respecting the needs of others, and will have the best chance of getting what you want and deserve. Therefor people who are assertive in daily life, are usually the most "progressive" in conversations with other people. So there are 3 easy rules which will help you to be assertive and take the most advantage in any situation.

  1. First rule is to try to project confidence to others while you speak. Having confident body language can be very useful in any kind of talks. In order to make better understanding to another people you have to speak slowly and clearly. Rehearsing before an important speech will be also one of the important aspects to make a good and assertive conversation.
     2.  Be honest with yourself. You have to know what do you want to get from this particular conversation. Try to be fare and not to be very hush with the needs of another people. Take responsibility for your own problems and don't put them onto other "shoulders". Stop trying to please everybody, this maybe one of the reasons why you're so afraid to assert yourself. However you have to keep golden middle, therefore you have to stop feeling guilty about not giving people what they want.

    3.  Try to stick to your game plan. Remember your goals and stick to them. Do not veer off course just because the person is not listening to you, belittling you, or trying to torpedo the conversation by acting visibly upset and tricking you into comforting him or her. Say what's on your mind, but with all respect to your listener(s). The main thing in this part is to be assertive without being aggressive.

How i said before that it's very important to hold the "golden middle", this can be possible if you are going to follow these steps(rules) above, however you have to always understand the situation, the person who you are talking to, goal of your listener and your own target,  all of that has to be mixed together and used in all situations where you have to be assertive.

Material used in this post were taken from following resources:

Friday, 7 March 2014

Texting as a method of communication

There are a lot of discussion nowadays about how "last technology" influence on people during the last two decades. In this post i would like to say some useful information about this communication in daily life.

I want to start from very typical phrase, that technology in our daily life are everywhere and of course
they have been grown dramatically during the last ten - twenty years. With internet, which has been created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1994, people started creating different ways to communicate with a speed of light. Everything has started from simple emails, people are still writing them and they are the most popular way of communication nowadays. If you can imagine, that there are 2.8 million emails are sent every second, however 90% of them are spam or viruses. Therefore there are still around 300 000 "clean" emails which are sent by people. At the very very beginning, email was only way to communicate with another people. But after "Technology Revolution" at 2004, when Facebook came up, people (specially teens) have started using it more than HotMail, GMail and etc., and left it only for official letters which are still used in all companies and organizations. 

The manner and speed of speaking in Facebook become 5000% faster than it was before with Emails, so people started using it more often. However, for younger generation is much easier to communicate with each other, because they are used to technology. Therefore they try to be connected all the time and always follow the news of what is going on with their friends (circles). 

At the moment, mobile applications such as "Whats App" and "Telegram" are undertaking Facebook by number of messages in second. It means that people started communicated faster and faster, by increasing amount of information to be delivered to another person. 
People are spending more time in social networks and applications, because it's much faster and more comfortable to text someone from your house lying on sofa, than making a meeting. However there are also some bad points about it, which i will try to deliver in my conclusion below.

In my evaluation i would like to say that "latest technology" are one of the most useful and comfortable tool which humanity has ever created, on the other hand people have stopped meeting with another people in order to communicate, and the main problem of it, is that the lack of practice in daily life will make difficult for people in future to practice their communication skills in order to succeed in real life of companies and organizations, where you can't just text someone in order to solve the problem. Professions like doctors, politicians, engineers, policemen and etc., has to know how to use latest digital  communication technologies in order to be on time with all people who are also using these technologies, however, they have to communicate personally more than online, because lack of practise in communication can cost them their job, money or time.