A lot of people in the World have got problems with public speaking, therefor, in this post i would like to give some advice how to improve your public speaking and become an interesting speaker.
And while it's true that the only way to become good at anything is by repetition over and over, until it becomes second nature, there are many things that you can do to be more effective speaking in front of audiences.
The starting point in the art of public speaking, is to pick a subject that you really care about. Its to think through the subjects that have had extraordinary impact on you, that subject that you would like to share with others, because you intensely feel that others could benefit from your knowledge. With this, you have a springboard offer, which you can leave into your first public talk.
The second part of public speaking, it's preparation for effective communication. Preparation is more important that anything else except carry about your subject. It's not unusual for a person to spend many hours and days and even week preparing for a single talk.
If the first two parts are successful public speaking or carrying and preparing, the third part is practicing and improving your presentation skills. If you have voice recorder(usually on mobile phone) or a video camera, record yourself giving the talk from beginning to end, then listen to or watch it and make notes on how you could make it better. If you're using a video camera, look into the camera and use the same facial expressions in the same body gestures that you would use, if you're speaking directly to someone that you like. When you critique yourself, be very hard on yourself. Remember the more honest and objective you can be about how you come across to others, the faster you will build effective communication skills for success.
In my conclusion i would like to finish with a quote, of one of the philosopher, who said: "Practice makes perfect and perfect practice makes it even more perfect." If you practice consistently, you will find that your presentation skills have dramatically improved overtime. Remember your ability to speak effectively in front of people can do more to advance your career and your life than perhaps any other skill you can develop.